things for young ladies to do on a cold winter day

this is a close up picture of my knitting.
In Grandmas Attic.
I enjoyed reading Beverly Cleary to. 
I also enjoyed this series of books, mama read these aloud to us when we where little, I loved them a lot, these books are full of adventure that girls of all ages will love.
this is a series of books every girl or boy should read.

this is what I have been working on for quite a long time, it's a scarf for one of my best friends (Melinda). 
This is my knitting bag, it is supposed to be a purse but I don't like soft purses.    

My great aunt made this monkey doll for me, and I made the apron.
I got this in a kit, it came with paint, it was hard to put together, and fun to  paint.


  1. I really want to learn to how knit!

  2. HEY!!! half of those Grandma's attic's are MINE!!!!! actually keep them... the last thing I need Zoe to learn is how to hide the dirty dishes in the root cellar..

    1. HEY! well to bad i already read them and to bad we don't have a cellar...:(

      part of your crazy family,


  3. Great job! I never had a brother that I grew up with and you're so lucky to have 5 of them.. I once use to knit, too! My grandmother taught me. Keep knitting..


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