The Future Awaits...
Discovering ones self is an exciting adventure, in which the participants are constantly being awed, intrigued, amazed, and disgusted. You find yourself liking certain things that you never even thought about as a younger child: Like what clothes to wear, or what food to eat, or what books and movies to watch. Finding how much you love something so much and don't know how you din't see it before, like a style of skirt or a kind of bread. simple things such as that that all my life until now, I have let my mother take care of for me. And now. Now I want to be in control. Now I want to express myself wholly and completely. Express my true self and what has been lying dormant for so many years. I want to be a photographer, and I want to start a business called "Barefoot Photography". I love high wasted skirts and full blouses. I love teal and other earthy colors such as green and brown. I love my fuzzy curly wild hair. I embrace my life as a simple farmgirl. A