Timothys Finally two

Timothy and his birthday ball!!!!!!
Timothy turned two on Friday, he is a year above what an average two year old ''should'' be doing
  1.  open doors ( Timothy has been doing that for a long time )
  2. walk up stairs he can also do that.
  3. call family members by right names, Sanial, Agail, Miah, Samuel, Jojen, Tinty, ha, ha, ha, ha,
Nathanial, Abigail, Jeremiah, Samuel, Jonathan, Timothy.


  1. Awww cute!!! Hey, Abigail! Miss ya guys! And Love your blog! Shyrena <3

    1. Hey... it's nice to hear from you Shyrena love Abigail .-)ps. missss you xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  2. Aww, Happy LATE birthday Timmothy! Ha, ha. Miss you Abigail!! Your BWF, Sophia


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