
where we left off. this morning mama told me i should written more.
What ??!!! you only wrote about 5 I recall ''mother'' you where urging me to go to bed...oh...then why don't you pick a time when you can write more-she never said that but I could sense it was coming- now to explain what ''BLACK FRIDAY'' was. A usual hot day with the promise of rain- we hadn't had rain in a month- mama wanted to go to the garden one last time before it rained. i stood on the deck smelling the mist, my brothers where in the basement playing and sleeping quietly. I came inside just in time to hear the fan going crazy I found it already unplugged I started screaming mama was outside and the trees where literally almost flat I could see the cornfield one min. and I couldn't see it the next I was scared to death I didn't know where mama was things where falling off the window sills because the windows where open I watched a HUGE tree in the back yard fall fall on the house... meanwhile mama had suddenly stopped and a big tree branch fell vertically in front of her after throwing off her shoe and running as fast as she could with one of my brothers who had gone with her we al went down to the basement. it turned out later it was not a tornado but a gustnado.

                                               blog by Abigail leilani chipps


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