
Showing posts from 2015


Hey folks, I know it's been forever! We have been super busy lately!! And I am writing more to my story...will write more soon!! GTG!!! Abigail!!

Update on What's Up!!

Had the best time with my cousins yesterday! Gonna miss them a lot ='( hope to see them again soon!! Abigail Leilani Chipps XD

Fun, Friends, and Food!!

Me and my pals...Sophia Grace Wilson an Mariah Cornett, ...we had a blast taking pictures! They were goofing off...sigh... This one is really pretty (partly due to the fact that I was taking the It was lots of fun catching them when they were unaware that I was taking a photo...for instance... ...This one... ...And this one...all when they weren't watching!!!   Yes they kept cracking up...genuine smiles are the most beautiful!!  Sophia wanted a piggyback ride!!! Mariah took this picture of Sophia and I. Mariah!!! Sophia!!! The lighting was perfect!!! And the end of this tale, we skip off into the sunset!! Sophia took this picture for Mariah and I...we had a lot of fun!!! Because it was after all a PIZZA PARTY/BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!!! Thanks For Readin' Abigail Leilani Chipps PS. Please tell me what you all think of my blog!! Thank you...

More Photos!!

   Spring is almost over!!! I have to admit I am glad to get on with life...but if only it could be spring alll the time! Hence the name...Barefoot Tootsies!!! Lovely flowers!!! Apple tree blossoms!!! And my feet again...only this time not black and white...hhhmmm toe jam!! lol. Pretty eyes! (don't tell Samuel I said that) The boys (my brothers) are ALWAYS willing models...they are so sweet..I love my brothers!! Thank You For Reading  My Bog!!! (don't forget to tell me what you think ; ) ~ Abigail Leilani Chipps XD


Wednesday May 13 2015,   Today is warmer then yesterday, mid sixties. It's still VERY windy, but the sun is out's warmer...   We have been playing bad mitten, it's really fun (except when the birdy gets blown away.)   Life isn't very exciting the moment, but things change. Here is a list of exciting things that WILL eventually be happening... MY BIRTHDAY/PIZZA PARTY next Sat. Farmers Market...there will be a lot about that in future. Talent annual thing we do at church for us kids...lots of fun!!! Memorial Day Picnic...also at fun and friends!!!! ...My official birthday...May 27th...yay...I am soooo excited 'bout turning 15!!!!!   Oops...times up...gtg!!!!! Thanks for reading!! Abbey <3

Samuel's Toad

Hi there!! Just posting to show y'all my little bothers Samuels latest adventure!!! Here is his toad!!!! Samuel took a very nice picture, he wanted me to post his picture on my blog for's what he has to say: I found it in the garden jumping over the grass, then I put it in the bucket then that's it.  -Samuel Thanks for reading, Love Abigail XD

Photo Time!!

Due to the fact that we have been missing our camera cord, my photo updating has been delayed....well here's all you missed!! Yes, it's been a while...this picture was from waaaaay back in February!  Frozen fog! It was so beautiful...wish I could capture the true beauty of standing there and seeing it. Here is a closer photo of the frozen fog. Everything looks so wind-swept and bare...makes me glad it's spring XD. Green is a good color (no offense to the people who love white) I don't know how I lived through the winter, all this green popping up is just so BEAUTIFUL!!     When I was shopping with Grandma the other day I found this huge jug of bubbles! I knew the boys would love it. It ended up perfect, one of mamas friends came over, and her daughter is just Timothy age, they all blew bubbles and had a good time...After they were done I came outside and took a few shots of some was challenging. ...


Hi everyone...yes I'm still alive. Okay, I have been down on the ball writing my I have been writing another one at the same it is!! It was the summer I turned 17 that everything changed, from my family to everyone I knew, I guess you're thinking I should know that things change...I do, and did, but I wasn't ready for what happened, and I don't think I would have ever been. Part of me wishes life could have gone on just like it always had, and the majority of me is relieved it happened, it made me free. Morning came with the voice of mama and papa. I slowly crept down the stairs the the living-room door, they stopped talking for a minute, ā€œ Tom? Did you hear something?ā€ ā€œ No.ā€ ā€œ What do you think?ā€ ā€œ About what dear?ā€ ā€œ about Adriana?ā€ ā€œ I don't might be a shock to her...ā€ ā€œ Honey...thereā€™s no doubt it will give her a shock.ā€ ā€œ I mean like depression...ā€ I was having a hard time deciding whether...

Trick Pics And a Happy Birthday to Mama (Mosquito Creek Farm)

 Mama turned 44 today!!!! I love mama a lot, she is one of my best friends. Whenever I need her she is always there. She will probably object to my posting this...sorry Mama... "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA (MOSQUITO CREEK FARM), LOVE U!!!"  And Mama wanted me to post about our trick pics...her goes...prepare to be amazed!! Um yum, bread...sourdough too!!!   Illusions: Here is our first illusion. Comment and guess or ask how these two Trick Pics were taken!   We had another one but I couldn't find it...sorry... Today's short post is now closing... Sincerely Abigail ((:

My Guitar

I love playing my guitar, it's my hobby. I also like singing along... The Love of God (probably one of my faves) I'd Rather Have Jesus Wonderful Words of Life Little Moses What A Friend We Have in Jesus  Here are some more pics... I am hoping to get lessons this year, everything I know either mama taught me or I taught myself. I also enjoy playing folk songs, such as: Barbara Allen  John Riley Little Moses uuuummmm, I know more they just aren't coming to me. But sometimes I like just mixing chords together to make my own tune... Calling My Children Home That's another song I like to play. Barefoot Tootsies!! Reflection on the back wood of my guitar  Yeah...that's kinda it...if I remember more I'll update!!! meanwhile, I'm stuck on my story right now soooo hang in there for more!! Thanks for Reading!! Sincerely Abigail!

"...Hot And Cold Are Both So Intense..."

 "...Put them together it just makes sense ." Yeah I know, I quoted Olaf, but it seemed like an appropriate title for a post about flower     Spider wort flowers...I think.    ...Babies Breath... Just some random pictures. Until next time... Sincerely, Abigail.   

Knitting and Icing

Back, a couple of weeks ago, we (us kids) made gingerbread men! lots o' fun! Here is a picture of my little brother icing one, he put as much icing on it as possible! I made two, one which was a girl with a funny hat on, and the other (that I had started eating before I put the icing on it) had got his leg bitten off by a...long story  I have also been working on a scarf...for a certain special somebody...I am not very far along on it but I'm hoping to get it done by next month. Anyway, that's the scoop! ~Sincerely Abigail~