Clara Barton

Clara Barton

                 Cara Barton was a Civil War nurse, she founded The Red Cross, and since lots of my friends don't know who she is, I decided to write an article on her.
                 Clara Barton was born December 25 1821 in Oxford, Massachusetts, she was the youngest of five children born of Sarah and Stephen Stone .
                 Clara's childhood was hard because kids teased her about her looks and because she acted like a tomboy. She was also very shy.
                When Clara was 11 years old, her brother fell off a building under construction. For the next few years Clara nursed him back to health.
               When Clara grew up she felt pity for the soldiers on the battle field and was the first woman nurse on the battle  field. She died April 12 1912.

By Abigail Leilani Chipps    


  1. Very good, Abigail! I learned something today. :-)

    Love your costume, by the way! Lovely!

  2. You looked so sweet in this picture...must not have been any brothers around agravating you!
    Mountain Memaw

  3. I love this post !
    I've read her autobiography 7 times !
    She's my hero ! ( besides Jesus )


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