Some Tips for Keeping Your Room Clean

  1. When you are done getting into your pajamas or church clothes, always hang the clothes you got out of up.
  2. ALWAYS make your bed when you get up, if you don't you will have to deal with a nagging MAMA!!!!!
  3. Dust it every week. REMEMBER THAT.
  4. never just shove a book into your shelf, after a week of shoving it kind of gets out of hand. REMEMBER THIS TO.
  5. try to do a MAJOR cleaning every month.
  6. (good luck)


  1. These are good ideas, Abigail, you have such a nice room, it is better appreciated while clean!

  2. An independent viewer is confirming that her system is working! Every time I see her room, it looks very neat as well as arty.

  3. good luck,!!!! huh, I can't even stay true to my rules.


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