My Outdoor Brother

 Yes he is... only because he is sweet gentle and a good family dog as far as not being cranky or biting little kids. As long as we have had him( since he was a puppy ) I can remember him faithfully letting us know that somebody was here. Of course he is not a perfect angel dog... as in recent days he has ran off with his girlfriend who was a very wild homeless hound like black dog now known as:THE BLACK DOG,in sentences such as: remember when the black dog ran away with Honey bear, but surprisingly enough he never went farther than irritating our already irritated with us neighbors to the point of almost calling the pound. On another day he bit the UPS guy in the hand, we think it was because we leaving to farmers market a lot, poor dog.

And anyway after he came back to us( from running away with the black dog) he has seemed extra close to us like sleeping on the porch at night right in front of the door...anybody trying to get out of the house at 5 o'clock in the morning will have to push  Honey bear out of the way.

A swing my brothers and I made a long time ago, and before we made other forts this was our favorite.

This post was written for our ever faithful Honey bear.
PS. he isn't dead.           


  1. You took beautiful pictures, Abigail. They really show Honeybear's sweetness! Mama
    P.S. Keep posting!

  2. Aww!! :) He's so cute! Those are really, really good pictures!

    BWLHF <3 =)

    *big bear hug* hehe =D

  3. Your dog is so cute ! He reminds me of our old dog ( Mona )


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