A Little more about My Summer

  We have had a very busy summer (my last post was just the tip of the iceberg) I will begin with the Root Cellar, which we began in Oct. sometime,it was the hardest thing i can remember ever doing,I'll start at the beginning.
 It was springtime 2013 when mama and papa started talking about our root cellar project, and to us kids it sounded they where planing the end of the world, literally, so they went online and researched to find the best way of building it, the results where to build the cellar out of used onion bags, so they ordered about a thousand of them (all had to be filled with dirt) they had planed at first to fill the bags with the track-hoe, but we ended up filling them all by hand (the worst part) while papa did some other stuff that needed to be done around the farm with the track-hoe: take out dead trees, move dirt...etc...etc.
  Papa dug a big hole in the side of the hill where we had planed it. After we had filled about 60 bags papa and one of the boys got down in the hole and started laying them down lining the inside of the walls, it was backbreaking work that I hope I never ever have to do again, so for the next two or three weeks we filled bags...and bags...and more bags...etc...etc. And wow I can never tell you how relieved we all where when we had filled the very last bag and laid the last telephone pole on top for the roof...and I can never tell you how disappointed I felt 4 or 5 days later when I woke up to the fact that it had caved in...my heart could not have fallen farther into my toes that morning...all that freedom I had felt thinking the task finally done, although I cant feel to sorry for myself because I had somehow always found some inside task to delay my coming outside to help (I confess I was not the angel I make it sound like I was, for i had my name on a lot of the complaining and whining.)
  But the mending of the root cellar did not last long, the weather got cold and the forecast started predicting rain so papa said that any further mending should be put off till next spring (the cellar was in good enough shape to withstand the winter.) aaahhhh, winter: no garden, no big outside projects, Christmas, new year, etc.
  And now it's time for school to take the place of the root cellar and all the projects we have done this summer uuuugggg, but I guess I don't mind it that much, its quiet...not really...and just getting me closer to graduation.
 One of my brothers helping papa fix the root cellar

 a pic of the root cellar when it caved in.

Well I think that's all for now, bye.
thanks for reading my blog



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