
I love books, what would I ever do without books! Today I will list a few of my favorites.

  • Lord of the Rings, which I put on my blog as my favorite book is indeed my favorite book(s).I like this series because I loooove fantasy, I love escaping into a different world, the Shire, Rivendelle, Gondor, Minas Tirith (don't know if I'm spelling them right or not :}) I like Elves and Dwarfs especially.
  •  The Giver quartet is awarded second best, it is also fantasy but not quite as far away from real life as Lord of the Rings, all the different ideas of "elsewhere" are interesting.
I am listening to Narnia right now, an unabridged audio book, I like it a lot, it is also fantasy, lol, if you have watched the movie (as most of my friends have) they leave out A LOT! there is actually like three different parts that they didn't make movies of, anyway, it's about a no. of children that (at different times) unexpectedly end up in Narnia, sometimes with a magic ring other times through a wardrobe.(the picture that goes to Narnia is the top one.)
~ Thank you for reading my Blog, Love Abbey ~


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