The Latest

Oh, I haven't written in forever, so I will fill ya'll in with the latest...First of all we don't have goats anymore :((
Second, summer farmers market is over...yay...we are doing the winter market this year.
Third, I am 14 now...I don't know if I have mentioned that already or
Fourth, my braces are off...I know I have already said this but it's sooo exciting for I have to wear this annoying contraption called a retainer, it is very irritating, it makes me lisp really bad.
Fifth, I am starting on my 2ond year of high-school.
Sixth, "...hhhhmmmm..." yep, our life is pretty dull...oh yeah and we are making a brick oven, I don't feel like explaining what that is so if your wondering...just google it...
Seventh, I found my hobbies...playing guitar, taking walks, reading, eating...oh look someone didn't finish their food! "munch...gobble...crunch..." anyway...reading, drawing, watching movies...I will spare you more boredom and get on to another subject.
Eighth, I make bread all by myself now, I like doing it a lot.

  ~Thanks so much for reading my blog~
PS. did not take this picture.


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